Peter's scar that Future Peter has on his face is going to be related to Peter
fighting his dad. Think about it - he had Claire's regeneration ability, so
the only way that Peter could get scarred facially is if he didn't have that
power. It just so happens he's in that very predicament right now, so look
for the battle that brings about that wicked scar to happen sometime
soon. Kinda scary I also nailed how Arthur would be the one to give Peter that scar. Hey, some theories are easy to predict - like Elle not lasting too much longer since Kristen Bell was still being mentioned as a "special guest star" and not one of the main cast - others take guts and a keen sense of insight to make. Too bad I wasn't able to predict the Haitian's power could be overcome by a more powerful person (in this case, Arthur). I also couldn't have predicted that the Haitian's power would stop working altogether as a result of being overcome by Arthur, thus allowing Sylar to use his own powers. So, the Haitian's ability just stopped working just like that? Sure, he was mentally spent but I already pointed out he doesn't need to be concentrating for his ability to work, as evidenced by Parkman's power not working in Primatech and when Hiro was trying to steal the formula back and the Haitian was in the in the movie theater; it took Hiro and Ando combined to beat him by ambushing him since Hiro's power wasn't working around the Haitian.
One thing that sucks about Peter being scarred is now for the rest of the series Milo V. will have to wear that scar on his face. And how the hell are we gonna tell the difference between Future Peter and Present Peter now! OMG!
Note (updated 12/11): A reader of the site keenly pointed out that the scar that Peter aquired in this latest episode is not the same scar that Future Peter has. For reference, check out the massive Future Peter scar:
My bigger overall point is this (and I'm glad the reader who made the comment allowed me to flesh out my thoughts) - how many more times is Peter going to be without his powers? How many more times in this series future will Peter not have the ability to regenerate himself? As soon as he gets his power back (even if it's just his power absorbtion ability) he's going to run into someone who can regenerate (most likely Claire) so it's safe to say Peter will always have the regen ability in one form or another. How many more times can the writers go to that plot device where Peter is powerless? The answer to this question is "not likely to happen many more times, if at all". I think this will be the only time Peter is without his powers, thus making this the only time he could be scarred and not heal himself. Furthermore I think this will be the scar that Future Peter displays. Again, thanks to the person who commented on this to begin with. I look forward to the people who point out things I may have overlooked and I look forward to seeing if I was ultimately right or wrong.
I think you need rewatch the end of that episode. Peter gets a cut on the side of his face, not where his scar is in the future.
ReplyDeleteDoes your crystal ball have a rewind button?
you are correct. however one thing you need to keep in mind is events may have happened that altered the timeline in the future (ie, he very well may never actually get that particular scar on his face just like how Hiro having his mom inject him with the catalyst means Present Day Claire doesn't have it in her any more).
ReplyDeletethere are some questions that have yet to get answered: how much longer is Peter going to be without his powers, that is, is this going to be a long term thing? if so, then yeah he probably will have more opportunities to get busted up in the future. when he gets his power back will it be just his original power or all the abilities he absorbed return also? if all his abilities return that means it's not likely he'll ever be in another situation to get scarred since he has Claire's regenerating power. the only way he can get scarred is if he's in a similar situation he's in now - without any powers. how many more times do you think the writers will go to that well again? this show may not even be on in about 3 years. between now and season 6 how many times can the writers devise a plot to have Peter's powers removed?
if i have to bet i'm going to say this will be "the scar" that Future Peter has now. there's only so many scenarios in which Peter could be without the ability to regenerate himself. even if his powers are reset and he goes back to zero (ie, just his one original power) it's just a matter of time until he becomes uber powerful again. but i can't see logically the writers making this a yearly storyline where Peter loses his powers and he's left defenseless. it *could* happen, but that'd be silly.
but to go back to your original statement, yes - i applaud your keen observation and you are obviously correct in pointing out it was a different scar. Future Peter's actual scar is much more wicked, it makes the current scar he just got on his cheek look like a papercut.
i don't know if i should get bonus points cuz i also wrote in that prediction
ReplyDelete"If I were to be so bold and look for bonus points, I'm going to say when Arthur dies in this future battle is when Peter gets his abilities back."
Peter didn't get his abilities back but i predicted 1.) there'd be a battle between Arthur and Peter 2.) Peter would get a major scar on his face as a result and 3.) Arthur would die in this battle. That's pretty uncanny.
Agreed. Peter without his powers is about as exciting as stale bread. Also I find it terribly annoying that the character i despise most (Clair by the way) can't die. I WANT HER TO BE KILLED OFF! :(