November 24, 2008

Crystal Ball

Before episode 9 is aired tonight I thought it'd be nice to take a look at some of my theories/predictions to see how they've panned out. Note - I routinely edit past posts to clear up typographical errors or to clarify a sentence that was poorly worded - but I don't touch predictions. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, if I'm right I don't win any prizes anyway. But it's always fun to take a look at the past and review how correct you were in your theories or how off-base you turned out to be.

1. "If I had to wager some poker chips I'm going to say something interupts Papa Petrelli from fully taking Hiro's power. First bet is Ando does something."

Ando did indeed interrupt Arthur's stealing of Hiro's power. Some conversation with a reader of the blog drew into question as to what exactly was going on with Arthur and Hiro in that scene. Past scenes where Arthur has put his hands on someone shown he was stealing their power. I was correct that Hiro wouldn't lose his power due to someone knocking Arthur off him, but since Hiro now has the mind of a 10 year old it's questionable as to what Arthur was doing to him. Arthur doesn't need to touch you to put thoughts in your mind. Common internet chatter suggests Arthur didn't need Hiro's power since he already has it thanks to Peter Petrelli, so Arthur just wanted to erase Hiro's mind. The writer's did a poor job of explaining what was going on. Obviously Arthur has some other power he aquired that allows him to steal abilities, it hasn't been revealed yet how he got that ability - his main power is mind manipulation. Considering he was the defense attorney for Linderman that actually was a *very* useful ability to have in a courtroom. But anyway, this was a correct prediction on my part.

2. "If I had to bet on this I would say [Daphne's] playing Pinehurst, afterall if she was truly going to doublecross Parkman he could've read her mind."

Daphne turned out to doublecross Pinehurst afterall. I still like how the writer's cast just enough doubt in that one scene. Again, as I pointed out, the future in which Daphne dies while trying to capture Sylar/Peter doesn't seem likely to pan out because there's been several Butterfly Effect instances in our present timeline, so it's not like we have to follow that path anymore. But when you think about it, that future is starting to come into fruition more and more. We have Sylar quicking morphing into the Gabriel the peace-loving father. Certainly seems Parkman and Daphne are gonna be an item. That future isn't entirely out of the question.

3. "Also - why did [Adam] whither into dust when Papa Petrelli took his power - but Peter didn't?"

Duh, genious, isn't it obvious! I should've known, as found out in various Heroes message board discussions, that Adam's power was what was keeping him alive all those centuries. Without that power he would've turned into dust a loooong time ago. Peter, while naive and gullible, is still a healthy under-30 year old, powers or no powers.

It remains to be seen how Peter/Nathan don't remember having Sylar as a brother and if the Haitian erased anyone's memories, but I'm sure we'll find out soon cuz sweeps are coming up.

Before I end this I want to put this next theory of mine out there:

Peter's scar that Future Peter has on his face is going to be related to Peter fighting his dad. Think about it - he had Claire's regeneration ability, so the only way that Peter could get scarred facially is if he didn't have that power. It just so happens he's in that very predicament right now, so look for the battle that brings about that wicked scar to happen sometime soon. If I were to be so bold and look for bonus points, I'm going to say when Arthur dies in this future battle is when Peter gets his abilities back. But I'm not feeling adventerous today, it's a Monday afterall.

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